
8 of the greatest lessons i'm learning in parenthood

fall leaves heber valley utah wasatch back
CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 233: “people love to stay in their coffin of comfort- we're more alive when we're uncomfortable, staying comf...

candy colored studio podcast episode #186: creating a life that is curated, not collected or imposed

candy colored studio podcast episode #186: creating a life that is curated, not collected or imposed

family life curating a special home with family

recently i ran across the manifesto of sorts of the incredible bookshop, cafe, home & fashion boutique "merci" in paris that began with: “curated, not collected.” it went on to describe trends, items that are not just beautiful but also useful and making the ordinary daily life full of extra-ordinary moments. join me and let’s brainstorm ways we can more intentionally create a curated life full of joyful & meaningful moments that touch the extra-ordinary.

