"autour de l'arbre" 20x24" oval, oil on wood, 2" deep sides gilded gold, lightly varnished, wired and ready to hang.
this piece is named after the song by keren ann (#32 on the playlist below)
our family spent march of last year in lamontjoie (the southwest of france about an hour north of toulouse). this sweet part of the french countryside was full of rolling hills, farms, and fields. we explored the small hilltowns and villages, took our 5 kiddos to a park each day, played hide-n-seek in the gardens & castle grounds, and stopped at a local store/market at the end of the day to shop so we could cook together in the old farmhouse we were renting. this gorgeous view was just around the corner and a couple hills from our beloved farmhouse.
each piece isa celebration of those sweet moments in between the hard and unsavory. these oil paintings will be a refuge from the unwanted parts of life that so often visit us all. with their stained-glass shine, each colorful piece will be sweet windows to the soothing natural world and deepest memories in our hearts. peaceful landscapes, still life, flora & fauna, florals in vases with birds & insects hiding within the branches, and favorite places & things that evoke unforgettable memories, will sweeten and uplift all who view them.
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purchase your favorites online or set up a studio appointment (k@katrinaberg.com) to see them in person!
here are links to my latest playlists that inspired the titles of my original oil paintings (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)