i’m thinking about you, new homeschool parents, parents trying to survive this new world! alternatives aren’t just for the excelled or even those behind...alternatives are for anyone who finds that the traditional path isn’t working for them. hear more than 12 alternatives that have been the best paths for me, my family & friends. not all alternatives are the best path for everyone -- so listen to your heart while you listen to this episode...it will tell you which alternatives are right for you & your loved ones.
ep 8: our homeschool experience
dean graziosi on london real tv
The Brainy Bunch: The Harding Family's Method to College Ready by Age Twelve
pathway connect
dr. mcdougall's starch solution diet
chieko okazaki’s “healing from sexual abuse”
david ike books
- what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below.
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