
the 100th spring salon: director emily larsen on work in this latest exhibition and a retrospect of the past 100!

100th spring salon utah art mary sauer painting

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 239:

dear friend, artist, and the director of the springville museum: emily larsen and i chat about 17 of the 276 pieces in the 100th annual spring salon. she also shares with us the great heritage and some memories associated with the springville salon. springville museum is truly the art center of the state of utah. so much goodness converges in this sweet space and thanks to all that are associated with it: the collectors, the donors, the artists, the visitors, the families that bring their young children, the quilters and quilt lovers, the students who participate in the high school show and the outreach provided by museum staff -- on and on --!! together, we make up a beautiful tree, working together and supporting one another in our quest to create and support creation. the overall spirit of this show is felt by all the 1450 pieces created and submitted to this exhibition. as you visit online and in person, you'll feel that creative spirit that is prevalent in utah. this spirit is what encourages and supports us all as we continue to create. it is a living and breathing organism. and thank you to each of you who constitute this wonderful spirit of creation in utah!! 

how can you participate in this year’s exhibition?

being a disruptor in art & creative businesses

Manti temple open house

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 238:

not long ago, my dear creative friend leslie smoot was sharing her latest adventures, challenges and vision for her film career. she and her coworkers are finding new ways to produce and fund their projects and she talked about being a disruptor in the film business. so what does it look like in other creative businesses – especially for artists? we’ll chat about 7 traits of disruptors: entrepreneurial mindset, risk taking, vision, agility, persistence, creativity and understanding. i’ll share some specific examples i’ve seen in my career and in my local community. there’s some great opportunities for collectors and artists this spring: upcoming shows, fundraisers and the 100th springville museum of art “spring salon”. collectors & artists, come join in the celebration on opening night and submit your work artists!! this week’s red pill: “sometimes the stories we want to hear the least are the stories we need to hear the most.”

buying art materials in bulk, ways we grieve, world peace & mind control

strategies processing grief contemporary floral oil

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 237:

what are the best places to buy art materials? there are great places online and locally but i have found buying in bulk to be the most helpful for me. do you ever think about "world peace" and what that would look like? which are more important to you: peace or agency/free will? which do you think will make the biggest difference in our world?

loss, betrayal & change — everyone I talk with is grieving someone or something. grief is an uncomfortable but necessary part of life. when we don’t face or work through our grief it can come back later with a vengeance interrupting or triggering us at the most inopportune times. it’s normal to be affected by grief time and time again, but the more we bravely walk through it or talk about it, the easier it becomes and the more we can learn from the experience. what are you & your loved ones grieving? what helps you most as you process your grief? who needs your help most in their grief?

painting our heavenly parents - the two trees of the garden of eden, 13 month calendar research, highlights of ‘23 and hopes & dreams for ‘24

painting our heavenly parents - the two trees of the garden of eden, 13 month calendar research, highlights of ‘23 and hopes & dreams for ‘24

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 236:

are you familiar with valerie hudson’s work on the two trees in the garden of eden? she talks about their symbolizing our heavenly father and mother, their roles, purpose, mission and how it connects to adam, eve, and we their children. mcarthur krishna, artist and author of the “girls who choose god” and “girls/boys guide to heavenly mother” books, has curated artwork with the them of “heavenly parents”. yes, a book will be coming later with the artwork, but this time she is starting with the artwork. i cannot wait to see what the artists have created. hear about the piece i’ve just completed for the show – the symbolism and all the background thoughts that went into creating this painting.

how do you feel about the moon? are you fascinated with its phases and how it so beautifully interacts with nature? did you know that there was a time (and there are still some cultures) that followed a 28 day, 13 month calender? how would that change the way you interact with nature?  what would that look like for women and their typical 28-day cycle? what would it be like to have the same days of the week fall on the same 4 dates each month? would that alleviate stress & anxiety? if dec means 10, why is it the 12th and final month in the year and oct means 8 when it  represents the 8th month? and what if the beginning of the year was really in springtime and april? what is april fools anyway?

what are your hopes and dreams for 2024? how’s it going so far? are you as big into tweaking your plans and systems as i am? i’ll share some of my ongoing goals, hopes and dreams personally & in my art business and wish you the very best in this coming year!

online art auction for paul & kathy cieslewicz - bid till dec 7th

kathy cieslewicz online art auction searts art museum business of art
CANDYcolored studio podcast epiose 235: what a treat to have sage gallagher and jenna mae lineweaver share their experiences with generous kath...

8 of the greatest lessons i'm learning in parenthood

fall leaves heber valley utah wasatch back
CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 233: “people love to stay in their coffin of comfort- we're more alive when we're uncomfortable, staying comf...

pam baumeister - commissions & artist accountability

pam baumeister watercolor artist mentor marketing art biz

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 232:

pam baumeister is a watercolor painter preserving memories and all the nostalgia of your favorite people, places, things and those precious moments you want to remember again and again. her background and career in marketing has not only helped her find the courage to put her artwork out there, but it’s helping other artists do the same. hear about her creative journey, health challenges, wisdom in marketing,mindset, and suggestions for other artists. her morning routine thanks to hal elrod’s “miracle mornings” is helping her become a better artist, mother, spouse and person overall. pam has an accountability mindset group on marco polo that you and your favorite creative people can join at just $14.99 each month. while marco polo can seem like an overwhelming group video chat – pam’s videos come in personally and you reply personally. more like a one-on-one mentor chat, this is a great option for all creatives to up their game. on september 21st, pam’s 4-week commission course opens. at $197, this is an affordable way to not only find more joy in your commission work, but learn from the bread and butter of pam’s business. find more & sign up at – attend her solo show opening october 28 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the sprague library in sugarhouse at 2131 south 1100 east in salt lake. enjoy enjoy this packed interview with fabulous pam!! xo

swiss days, summer round up & the benefit of busy work

swiss days, summer round up & the benefit of busy work
  CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 321: goodbye summer and let’s get this fall started! lol. our younger 4 started back at school this week ...

"signs and symbols of spring" reception photos (my solo show)

"signs and symbols of spring" reception photos (my solo show)
thanks so much to all who came and celebrated with us at alpine art & frame's salt lake gallery stroll reception. it was wonderful to be with each of you!
see “signs & symbols of spring” till this friday june 30th
430 east south temple, salt lake
hours: 9 to 5:30 (monday - friday)
below you'll see some favorite photos from that night.

alpine art gallery photo shoot with my dancer & her bestie!

alpine art gallery photo shoot with my dancer & her bestie!

click here to see all the paintings in the "signs and symbols of spring" collection

i spent a special day with daughter and her bestie at the gallery -- when she was little i'd follow her around with my camera trying to capture all her adventures and sweet moments. things move so much faster these days and it was a gift to spend time with anneclaire and her bff in the alpine art & frame gallery celebrating art, dance & friendship. here are my favs from the photoshoot. flip through the online show catalog here.

staying in our own lane as artists & entrepreneurs, the largest & final piece in my solo show and a solo show update

staying in our own lane as artists & entrepreneurs, the largest & final piece in my solo show and a solo show update
CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 230
it’s been a hot minute friend! as my solo show debut got closer i ran out of energy to do the podcast lol. but i’m so happy to be back. in this episode you’ll hear about the 48x96” “blue skies” painting that includes flowers and birds that symbolize joy and celebration. also, a white rabbit coming out of a cage, doves drinking from a bird bath, a cake, peacock and so much more. soo many thanks to susan and her team at alpine art who’ve done such a beautiful job with the show. in my podcast show notes on you’ll be able to watch my recent segments on ksl’s studio 5 with brooke walker, an art review article by avery greig on 15 bytes and you can flip through my online catalog of the show. thanks to jessica libor of "the inspired painter podcast" we can consider what "staying in our lane" as artists and entrepreneurs looks like. and a red pill about misinformation or covid myths.
click below to listen to the episode 
