four years ago, i applied online to the aauw women artists can imagine my excitement when i found out my landscape had been accepted into the show. as i sat in the opening and awards ceremony, i was overcome with feelings of validation and support as i listened to members of the local chapter who so graciously put on this labor of love to the community...their experiences as well as those of each trustee family member, who share about a woman relative who has lifted our art community...whose legacy was now supporting our current and future art community.
i remember talking my husband carl’s ear off when i came home...that is...more than usual. it was a night not to be forgotten and in many ways, enough to sustain me in my vision and purpose for quite a while. two years later i had a similar experience, this time, i sat next to my bestie, college roommate and lifelong friend nancy olson who is also an artist. It was such a treasure to share that night together, talking to juror ashley whitaker, and artist friends.
this year of course, the show was canceled in a traditional way, meaning we weren’t able to present our work in person at the UCCC and share in the magic at the opening and awards ceremony. If there is one thing that i’ve learned from the COVID quarantine it is that there is always another way...i talked with our local AAUW committee chair marilyn shearer, this show’s juror susan anderson, artists hilary swingle and nancy andruk olson, and we decided to share a bit of the magic of this show with your here in podcast land and of course on youtube. i am confident that you will be lifted and inspired by these lovely ladies and am so happy to introduce them to you.
ruth e. turner award - best watercolor depicting the beauty of nature: nancy olson, yellow water garden
juror's choice award: hilary swingle, at your own peril

katherine louise howe roberts honor award: katrina madsen berg le premier bonheur du jour

aauw of utah best of show award: dian levi, fantasia hydrangea
dorothy oehmich honor award: lily havey
online show: AAUW online show
website: AAUW of utah
facebook: marilyn shearer (committee chair)
facebook: susan m anderson (juror)
website: hilary swingle (juror’s choice award):
website: nancy andruk olson (ruth e turner honor award)
nancy’s artist residency at BDAC
- what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below.
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