candy colored studio podcast episode #23: laura + kristin of "the progress project": their podcast and course & tips on how to change one thing in your life

best friends laura and kristin were living on opposite sides of the country and decided to start chatting on the phone every tuesday to catch up. they always felt energized after their talks, inspired to live life with more purpose. with this purpose they launched a podcast together...and recently a course, where they help others do the same. listen about their relationship, their journey, podcasting, and creating a course together. in this episode they give us tips on how to change one thing in your life. you will love them!

here are the links mentioned in the episode:
course: "find your purpose" 
instagram: @jointheprogressproject
to access their "change one thing challenge" :

recommended episodes:
ep. 50 - what the progress project is all about 
ep. 54 - how to find and use your talents

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