podcast episode 6: kiddos in the studio (my studio assistants)

In episode 4, i shared some of the things i "give up" to find time to paint. In this episode i explain what my kiddos do to help in the studio. There are things each of the kiddos prefer to do and yes,...I pay them, lol. My 10 year old tells some of his thoughts in regards to having parent entrepreneurs and things he would like to do someday.

I also mention upcoming changes in 2019 for which we are looking forward: 2 hour church instead of 3 hours at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Hand-painted art bracelets by Annie K. Blake

A sneek peek at upcoming episode topics and interviews planned for 2019

Merry Merry to one and all! xoxo, katrina

ps. find all 6 of my episodes here

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