Treasures in the Scottish Art Museums/Galleries

It’s amazing how each adventure abroad has a different theme, activities, and of course the amount of painting I do (I've learned, this is quite determined by the weather lol)! Before we left, I knew that Autumn in Scotland mean wind, cold, and most likely fact, in several online places I read to “avoid September if all possible” as it is the rainiest month of the year. Against all odds, we sustained 10 minutes of “mist” which was really quite lovely. Other days I was perfectly comfortable, and even hot the last few days lol.
Rainy days last year meant more time to paint, more time for long restaurant lunches and dinners...but here we found ourselves in the opposite adventure. We visited so many museums and castles, gorgeous vistas and off-the-beaten is honestly a bit of a blur. So much to enjoy and with which to make is a small sampling of the art that moved me in Glasgow and Edinburgh.