the 100th spring salon: director emily larsen on work in this latest exhibition and a retrospect of the past 100!
CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 239:
dear friend, artist, and the director of the springville museum: emily larsen and i chat about 17 of the 276 pieces in the 100th annual spring salon. she also shares with us the great heritage and some memories associated with the springville salon. springville museum is truly the art center of the state of utah. so much goodness converges in this sweet space and thanks to all that are associated with it: the collectors, the donors, the artists, the visitors, the families that bring their young children, the quilters and quilt lovers, the students who participate in the high school show and the outreach provided by museum staff -- on and on --!! together, we make up a beautiful tree, working together and supporting one another in our quest to create and support creation. the overall spirit of this show is felt by all the 1450 pieces created and submitted to this exhibition. as you visit online and in person, you'll feel that creative spirit that is prevalent in utah. this spirit is what encourages and supports us all as we continue to create. it is a living and breathing organism. and thank you to each of you who constitute this wonderful spirit of creation in utah!!
how can you participate in this year’s exhibition?
candy colored podcast episode #159 - universal laws of giving & respecting choice (part vi)
part six of this series on choice! maybe, like me, you’re looking around lately and seeing that as well-intended as most of it is -- there seems to be choices being made “for our good” at school, in our activities, at work, in our neighborhoods, communities, in our families, and even at church. while i’m truly grateful that so many have our best in mind, i do believe that there is a very fine line between supporting, inviting, encouraging, & guiding...AND the other side, which can be choosing, dictating, controlling, demanding and manipulating. let’s consider some of the places and ways that these are happening and find the best way to navigate it all for us individually and within our families.
candy colored studio podcast episode #150 - julia lowe: universal laws of giving & respecting choice (part v)
this is the 5th episode in a series about giving and choice (aka agency). if you missed julia's first interview, listen to that one first (link below). she gives some background on herself, family and her initial impressions/experiences with agency. this episode is a beautiful deeper exploration into favorite thoughts, experiences and quotes about agency. taking time, educating, natural consequences and so much more. enjoy!
episode #143 part i in the series
episode #144 part ii in the series
episode #147 part iii in the series (1st interview with julia)
episode #149 part iv in the series
candy colored podcast episode #147 - julia lowe: universal laws of giving & respecting choice (part iii)
candy colored studio podcast episode #138 - finding peace & comfort while grieving all the things
candy colored studio episode #71 - 10 ways to thrive instead of simply surviving the wake of the coronavirus
with all the everywhere are being cancelled, kids are coming home from school, fear is in the air, and it seems like things will never be normal again...
despite it all here are 10 ways we can thrive instead of merely've got this!!!
candy colored studio episode #52: 2019 - my art year in review
do you ever look back at your year and take a minute to write down the highs, the lows, the biggest lesson learned and hopes for the future?! here is my version of that in my art journey for 2019. you'll hear about my top 3 things that were the most exciting or had the biggest impact on my success this year. i also share a humbling story of my greatest failure...that in turn, has become the biggest lesson learned in my art biz this year. i'll share shows i participated in, new things tried, outreach opportunities (and how it's actually terrifying for me at times lol), marketing breakthroughs and stats...yes...everything numbers. you'll also get a peek into things i'm looking forward to in 2020 and things i'm working on changing in my art biz.
Treasures in the Scottish Art Museums/Galleries

candy colored studio podcast episode #32: annie preece - a full life of tiny creative joyful moments
meet annie preece: artist, mother, creative in the kitchen, studio, throughout the home and inside the garden. teacher of 4 small children. lover of finding joy in the simplicity and small moments. listen as annie shares how she makes conscious choices each day to pursue her passions, say no to so many things, and be content in her choices and the person she's becoming.
instagram: @anniemorganpreece
tips for artists: how to wire original paintings, where to put the wire & hardware (candy colored studio podcast episode #27)
how should i frame, mount, & wire my original painting? where do i put the wire? do museums and galleries have a standard distance and length to attach hardware & wire?
in my experience, galleries and museums i've worked with prefer 2-D artwork to be wired securely, prerably using D-rings (not sawtooth claws). for my artwork, i prefer to have the hardware and wire as close to the top of the frame or cradle as possible to avoid the top of the artwork hanging away from the wall.
this is my first "crossover" podcast episode/youtube video! keep an eye out for future tips and FAQs asked by artists. email me your queries to or leave a comment below.
for an epic journey, join my candy colored membership for artists! i know life is crazy! being a mother of 5 has taught me to make changes to my art biz, one at a time. i will teach you my process and gradually teach you all that i've learned. you'll find that small changes will produce great results! come join us! (enrollment ends in august)
subscribe to my youtube channel and/or to my candy colored podcast and never miss a quick tip or answered question. even better, get on my email list for all updates in my candy colored studio.
midway art association's wasatch plein air paradise 2019 (katrina's latest landscape paintings)
each summer our lil' mountain town of midway, utah hosts a plein air event. it draws over 100 local utah artists (and neighboring states) to paint all over our valley for 2 weeks.
painting en plein air or in the open air, has its own challenges: the wind, the sun & light changing rapidly, the bugs...oh the bugs! i love shadows...i have to commit quickly, or i get distracted & confused. honestly, all the shadows & colors changing with the light are so fun to paint! sometimes the wind gets super strong and your painting goes right with it! mostly though, the seeds and pieces of nature that tend to fly into the paint at the most inoportune times lol. this year we even had some sleet/hail/snow the first you have to be prepared. you'll find me positioning my car so i can hide from the wind and sun. sunstroke can hit too quickly as i was reminded last month lol.
it's fun to live so close and be able to run home and take breaks, but i do need to make sure i have enough energy to jump back into family life as soon as i return.
so many of the same artists return year after year and that is also so fun. i make new artist friends each year & discover new favorite paintings. it is a huge event with 2 weeks of painting & 7 ways to participate.
a big shoutout to the midway art association team. they are simply a dream team with president jerry, his secretary norma, larry, cindy, bill, and so many more delightful supporters of the arts. special thanks to everyone who helped make this year and years past such a sucess! click on any of the photos to see more details and the framing for each piece.
hoping your 4th was fantastic. i'm excited to get back to the normal workings in the studio lol. text or email me if you'd like to come for a studio visit and see these in person. xo, katrina (435.709.2780 ||
candy colored studio podcast episode #25: seeking & developing a relationship with our heavenly mother
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