
CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 205: swiss days info, 10 tips for artists when pricing & increasing the value of your work, and 7 ways to stop financially supporting corruption

CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 205: swiss days info, 10 tips for artists when pricing & increasing the value of your work, and 7 ways to stop financially supporting corruption
“midway swiss days” is just 2 weeks away! email me to make an appointment and visit the CANDYcolored studio during swiss days. how can you be consistent with your pricing while also solidifying & increasing the value of your work for your collectors? we’ll chat about the importance of set pricing, a price list, educating yourself and others about the value of your work. corruption in our lives – have you been smelling anything fishy?! if you are and would like to do something about it, we’ll also chat about 3 ways you can make a difference and 7 ways to stop “feeding the beast”!!
