the CANDYcolored studio podcast #201 - certain women book! new floral minis, artist tip on creativity & constraints, 20 benefits of summer jobs and a “pedophiles in parliament” red pill

spotify art podcast original oil paintings candy colored studio mother artist
the “certain women: reflections on a mother in heaven” show book is out! enjoy a peek into my personal copy. you’ll also get a peek at my latest mini florals. do you feel constrained in your creativity or is it actually needed as artists, designers and entrepreneurs? summer jobs are in full swing, i’ll share 20 benefits i’m seeing in our 3 teenagers & their experiences. and finally, a red pill about the documentary “pedophiles in parliament” and the “fallcabal” series.

certain women art show book reflections on a heavenly mother ashera divine feminine lds art

certain women latest show episodes:
the artists soar podcast episode #45: does creativity require constraints? (scroll down this page to listen)
modern millie vintage style fasion
potter KIM LÊ
laflore paris parisian handbags etc.
"pedophiles in parliament" documentary (scroll down this page to watch)
FALLCABAL SERIES on bitchute (start with part 1 of their 10 part series:
modern millie vintage style fashion shop
tomokazu matsuyama contemporary artist japan pop art landscape portraits
chen suchart architects arizona modern design 
kim le paris pottery contemporary vessels handmade
laflore paris handbags travel cosmetic cork handmade
pedophiles in parliament documentary blackmail corrupt government satanic worship
- what should i talk about next?  let me know in the comments below. 
- did you enjoy this episode? if so, leave me a review!
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