
candy colored studio podcast episode #153 - infertility tools used by satan

candy colored studio podcast episode #153 - infertility tools used by satan

katrina berg floral art painting

I believe that the 2 Plans that were presented in the Great Council of Heaven, are still in effect (God’s Plan and Lucifer’s Plan). I believe that a large portion of Satan’s Plan is to stop our brothers and sisters from having an earthly experience. I believe he uses infertility to achieve his plan. Like many, I have suffered much because of infertility. So has my family. While I do believe it has and continues to help me become my best self, I do not believe that God caused my infertility. I believe God allowed environmental factors (some of my own choosing and others not of my choosing) to cause my infertility. I also believe that these environmental factors were not of God but of Satan. I believe that their design and methods of delivery also did not come from God, but that they were introduced to men and women by Satan. 

