feedspot names the CANDYcolored studio within the top 15 women artist podcasts! is the place to find and keep track of your favorite podcasts! recently they listed my CANDYcolored studio podcast as #9 in their list of best women artist podcasts. to see the whole list click here. thanks so much to anuj agarwal and her the feedspot team!
here are a few of the podcasts i love that were also listed:
i'm looking forward to listening to new-to-me women artist podcasts listed.
click here for my latest episodes on the CANDYcolored studio
- what should i talk about next? let me know in the comments below.
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candy colored studio podcast episode #173 - christmas edition: children's books
candy colored studio podcast episode #162 - being a prepper in life and business
candy colored podcast episode #159 - universal laws of giving & respecting choice (part vi)
part six of this series on choice! maybe, like me, you’re looking around lately and seeing that as well-intended as most of it is -- there seems to be choices being made “for our good” at school, in our activities, at work, in our neighborhoods, communities, in our families, and even at church. while i’m truly grateful that so many have our best in mind, i do believe that there is a very fine line between supporting, inviting, encouraging, & guiding...AND the other side, which can be choosing, dictating, controlling, demanding and manipulating. let’s consider some of the places and ways that these are happening and find the best way to navigate it all for us individually and within our families.
candy colored studio podcast episode #157: marissa huber & heather kirtland of carve out time for art - community, book & new podcast!
several years ago, marissa & heather combined forces to support mother artists & create a much-needed community on instagram. artists themselves, they were learning how to set aside tradition or opinions of others, and go after their own creative pursuits while being working mothers. soo many conversations and uplifting love shared between creative caregivers, artist takeovers, interviews, and hashtag challenges. (they even created a global directory on their website: last year, their book, the motherhood of art hit bookshelves, continuing the support and conversation. most recently, they have started a patreon podcast called the creative instigators! enjoy this extra sweet conversation full of all the raw realness of mother artists, art journeys, boundaries, knowing yourself, an important litmus question, prioritizing, furthering your art through education, goals, passions, going for it...thunderstorms...and so much more. enjoy, enjoy! (make sure to enter the giveaway)
candy colored studio podcast episode #156: latest framed mini circle collection & 12 happy thoughts
sharing twelve happy thoughts that have been lifting my spirits these past few months. also, info about my latest framed mini circle collection. you can make suggestions of colors or subjects you’d like to see in my series, or better yet: collaborate with me to create your own custom circle mini.
episode #154 - julianne donaldson: author of edenbrooke, blackmoore & newly released: “come, sweet day”
have you read blackmoore or edenbrooke?! whether you have, or will want to very soon, this episode is sure to bring back wanderlust as award-winning author julianne donaldson takes you through her process writing the novels & traveling for her research. she has a brand new book, “come, sweet day”, out that is so different from her romance novels and ever so timely -- julianne used her gift over the last few years in new ways to help she and her kids get through some incredibly hard times together. the result from this labor is a beyond-beautiful collection of short stories and poems that effortlessly flow together, gently offering hope and comfort at a time when many of us need just that. sections include: my wilderness, grace, light, home, & mercy. julianne reads a couple pieces during our interview...oh they are wonderful! one that i absolutely love is on pages 80 & 81: all about the journey to our own promised land. on pages 42 & 43 is another i adore about winter, birds, and’s lovely. keep an eye out for julianne’s 6 week creative writing course coming in the fall, as well as her regency retreat in september that will be a weekend to never forget as you step back in time and join the pages of julianne’s romance’s going to be unforgettable!
candy colored studio podcast episode #152 - how do they do it with just one thing, and how do i get there?!
how often do we look at others and think that they only have to put their time and energy into one thing to be successful? what is really happening behind the scenes and how do you get there? just some simple ideas to consider in your very personal art journey or creative business career. you've got this!
candy colored studio podcast episode #137 - amanda herring of la petite maison antiques
candy colored studio podcast episode #130 - SWEETlady: annie blake
candy colored studio podcast episode #128 - podcast 2nd anniversary & 5 political thoughts
candy colored studio podcast episode #126 - sweet lady: anneclaire berg
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