
candy colored studio podcast episode 165 - tracy ann holmes: ceramics, watercolors, pencil & her certain woman piece about heavenly mother

candy colored studio podcast episode 165 - tracy ann holmes: ceramics, watercolors, pencil & her certain woman piece about heavenly mother
oh do we have a gift for you today! tracy ann holmes is a ceramic, watercolor, pencil artist living in tucson, arizona...sharing her heart and creative journey throughout this episode. her ceramic work is a gift from her soul -- full of love, light, and all the support that we women need most. hear all about her incredible heavenly mother piece in the certain women art show. she also shares about five other pieces in the show. enjoy the audio or the video version where she gives lots of great advice for women, mothers, artists and creatives wanting to do more. enjoy!

Certain Women Art Show at Anthony's Fine Art and Antiques - Opening Thursday Oct 3rd!

katrina berg certain women art show 2019 thick candy colored oil paint, large circle painting
Last year a small group of women artists within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were invited to participate in an art show. It was lovely and just the beginning of what its organizers envisioned.
This Fall, more than twice the number of women artists are participating (90 to be exact)...and the ladies shared in a recent podcast interview with the Zion Art Society that again, this is just the beginning. It's exciting to be a small part of the process, and I look forward to seeing the Certain Women Art Show continue to grow and included more and more artists from all over the world, creating in all mediums, styles and purposes. 
This year, the artists were asked to create original pieces of artwork within a theme of a personal statement of purpose. 
Here is the meaning behind my painting, "the waiting place" 48x48" circle oil on wood:
I tend to be a doer of sorts. Always getting things done, trying things out -- experimenting, and being ok with trips along the way. In between those trips, turns and learning experiences, I find it necessary to take time in my “waiting place.” There, I take a break from the action...and listen to my heart as my Heavenly Parents quietly whisper through the Holy Ghost words of comfort, direction, peace, and wisdom. It is there: my waiting place, where I learned that my purpose is to strengthen and support women.
Sometimes I think it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all of the expectations we place upon ourselves as women -- as “Certain Women.” Perhaps it’s a cultural pressure we feel, but it’s rarely divine. Our Heavenly Parents desire us to shine in our own learn in our own way...and most vitally, to “become” in our own way.
Throughout the painting, you’ll find items that signify the exterior strains you or the women in your life may be feeling. Remember that you’re loved...and meant to bloom & blossom in your own way in order to realize your great potential. You are loved, you are needed, and you are exquisitely divine!
Come join us at the opening this Thursday evening,
October 3rd 2019, 6 pm
Anthony's Fine Art and Antiques 
401 E 200 South, SLC
This year there is an opportunity to donate to continue this show as well as to fund a "people's choice" award. There will be a box at the show where you can vote on your top 3 artists (no small feat! So many beautiful pieces!).
