
candy colored studio podcast episode 165 - tracy ann holmes: ceramics, watercolors, pencil & her certain woman piece about heavenly mother

candy colored studio podcast episode 165 - tracy ann holmes: ceramics, watercolors, pencil & her certain woman piece about heavenly mother
oh do we have a gift for you today! tracy ann holmes is a ceramic, watercolor, pencil artist living in tucson, arizona...sharing her heart and creative journey throughout this episode. her ceramic work is a gift from her soul -- full of love, light, and all the support that we women need most. hear all about her incredible heavenly mother piece in the certain women art show. she also shares about five other pieces in the show. enjoy the audio or the video version where she gives lots of great advice for women, mothers, artists and creatives wanting to do more. enjoy!

candy colored studio podcast #42: 7 ways for artists to grow an email list

candy colored studio podcast #42: 7 ways for artists to grow an email list
Email marketing for artists can be so very overwhelming! Sending regular emails is the perfect way to continue to connect with our collectors and those who want to learn more about our work. We need a list. But where to start and how to continue to grow this list? In this episode I’ll share 7 ways you can start or grow your email list. 

candy colored studio podcast episode #36 - where to apply to art shows: 5 ways to apply

swiss days art market katrina berg utah mother artist of the candy colored studio

Where or how do I apply to art shows?!  How do you know where to start? Should you start online or locally? But who do you ask and how do you get on their list? Here are 5 places you can apply locally, online etc.

Join my email list for more artist tips, and keep an eye out for enrollment to the CANDY COLORED CLUB: our artist biz membership.

candy colored studio podcast episode #31: a support system for artists: who & why you need it most

candy colored studio podcast episode #31: a support system for artists: who & why you need it most

why do artists need a support system?! my husband feels that artists, especially women artists need a support system more than most (if all) professions. Who are your greatest supporters? Why do you need them? How can you be a better supporter to your friends? come join us in the candy colored club (a artist biz membership) where you'll find ways to improve your art biz each month and a community of amazing lady artists to help you along your journey.


episode #4: what i give up to paint

episode #6: my studio assistants

business of art

tips for artists: how to wire original paintings, where to put the wire & hardware (candy colored studio podcast episode #27)

tips for artists: how to wire original paintings, where to put the wire & hardware (candy colored studio podcast episode #27)

how should i frame, mount, & wire my original painting? where do i put the wire? do museums and galleries have a standard distance and length to attach hardware & wire?

in my experience, galleries and museums i've worked with prefer 2-D artwork to be wired securely, prerably using D-rings (not sawtooth claws). for my artwork, i prefer to have the hardware and wire as close to the top of the frame or cradle as possible to avoid the top of the artwork hanging away from the wall. 

this is my first "crossover" podcast episode/youtube video! keep an eye out for future tips and FAQs asked by artists. email me your queries to or leave a comment below. 

for an epic journey, join my candy colored membership for artists! i know life is crazy! being a mother of 5 has taught me to make changes to my art biz, one at a time. i will teach you my process and gradually teach you all that i've learned. you'll find that small changes will produce great results! come join us! (enrollment ends in august)

subscribe to my youtube channel and/or to my candy colored podcast and never miss a quick tip or answered question. even better, get on my email list for all updates in my candy colored studio. 

