
candy colored studio podcast episode #161 - under promise, over deliver, & some unexpected results

eiffel tower spring painting katrina berg thick paint

eiffel tower painting paris contemporary art katrina berg french series

in our personal lives, as well as in our careers, it’s easy for many of us “people pleasers” lol to feel that happiness & success only come from giving our all and even more often -- way more than what is expected or anticipated. don’t get me wrong, it served me well in so many situations -- but the expectations started to weigh on me and the only way i could feel less anxiety, depression & stress was for me to let go of it all, reevaluate, and make a new plan. let’s look at 5 examples of how the principle of under promise & overdeliver can make a great difference in our lives and the lives of those we love and associate with along our journey.

candy colored studio podcast ep. 158 - the happiest broken record of marketing

beljar heber city desiree ashworth design original oil paintings

do you ever worry about sharing too much or too often? what about with a big event? have you ever been so sad you missed something because you got behind on your email or social media? it's the worst feeling to realize you didn't hear about something you'd really liked to have attended until after the event. here are some ways to embrace the happy broken record and serve others in the process.

candy colored studio podcast episode #157: marissa huber & heather kirtland of carve out time for art - community, book & new podcast!

marissa huber heather kirtland carve out time for art podcast book community

the motherhood of art book by marissa huber & heather kirtland of carve out time for art

several years ago, marissa & heather combined forces to support mother artists & create a much-needed community on instagram. artists themselves, they were learning how to set aside tradition or opinions of others, and go after their own creative pursuits while being working mothers. soo many conversations and uplifting love shared between creative caregivers, artist takeovers, interviews, and hashtag challenges. (they even created a global directory on their website: last year, their book, the motherhood of art hit bookshelves, continuing the support and conversation. most recently, they have started a patreon podcast called the creative instigators! enjoy this extra sweet conversation full of all the raw realness of mother artists, art journeys, boundaries, knowing yourself, an important litmus question, prioritizing, furthering your art through education, goals, passions, going for it...thunderstorms...and so much more. enjoy, enjoy! (make sure to enter the giveaway)

candy colored studio podcast episode #152 - how do they do it with just one thing, and how do i get there?!

heavenly mother lds art katrina berg midway utah

heavenly mother painting lds katrina berg midway utah candy colored studio

how often do we look at others and think that they only have to put their time and energy into one thing to be successful? what is really happening behind the scenes and how do you get there? just some simple ideas to consider in your very personal art journey or creative business career. you've got this!

candy colored studio podcast episode #151 - time usage & how to keeping going when feeling discouraged

candy colored studio podcast episode #151 - time usage & how to keeping going when feeling discouraged

do you ever stress about your time usage and just plain feeling overwhelmed? maybe you’ve even considered giving up on your passion because life is just so heavy?! but then you realize that you won’t find happiness if you quit. you know deep inside that you have a superpower --- something that you can give to others...a very simple or specific way to bring light or beauty or love, support and kindness. well we need you! Here are some ideas that have helped me and i hope that your heart will tell you even more ideas as you listen.

my mother’s day collection at la petite maison antiques in draper utah is available! 8 pieces, some hummingbirds and fairy wren to represent mothering our small flocks, also some florals that will never wilt and local mapstacts to mark special spots. named after favorite french songs and singers...a couple from enzo enzo’s album about a mother’s songs. (“chansons d’une maman”)


candy colored studio podcast #140 - angels among us

candy colored studio podcast #140 - angels among us
over the past year, more than ever it has felt like the media & outside forces are trying to convince us that we're alone, everyone is out to get us and that we're on polar sides from all we know and meet. i've been looking for angels and forces of good around us that perhaps we may not love, strength and comfort. but i'm also seeing angels among us and visible...neighbors and friends doing seemingly small things (some big too)...making a difference in our neck of the woods. meet my neighbors on paradise lane: do they help you see angels around you too?

candy colored studio podcast episode #138 - finding peace & comfort while grieving all the things

candy colored studio podcast episode #138 - finding peace & comfort while grieving all the things
today, i mourn with you dear friend...your personal losses in 2020 that seem to be rolling over into 2021...the losses of your family and loved ones. truly, we all grieve in different ways, and each personal loss can even require a different path to healing. may you find comfort, and the strength to follow your heart...whether it’s to stay quiet, to move slowly, or to face the challenges straight on. may you find the best ways to grieve and move forward, that will ultimately bring you the most peace and comfort along your way.

candy colored studio podcast episode #48: shiny paintings and all things painting process & materials!

candy colored studio podcast episode #48: shiny paintings and all things painting process & materials!
    recently on instagram i shared how i get my paintings so shiny. it's a question i hear a lot, and after sharing my shine secrets i realized how...

candy colored studio podcast episode #46: 5 ways to simplify your art business

candy colored studio podcast episode #46: 5 ways to simplify your art business
There is so much that goes into running an art business and it can feel so overwelming when you're just getting started. In this episode of the candy colored studio podcast i'll share 5 ways you can simplify your practice or 5 things to focus on in the early stages of your business.

candy colored studio podcast #42: 7 ways for artists to grow an email list

candy colored studio podcast #42: 7 ways for artists to grow an email list
Email marketing for artists can be so very overwhelming! Sending regular emails is the perfect way to continue to connect with our collectors and those who want to learn more about our work. We need a list. But where to start and how to continue to grow this list? In this episode I’ll share 7 ways you can start or grow your email list. 

candy colored studio podcast episode #31: a support system for artists: who & why you need it most

candy colored studio podcast episode #31: a support system for artists: who & why you need it most

why do artists need a support system?! my husband feels that artists, especially women artists need a support system more than most (if all) professions. Who are your greatest supporters? Why do you need them? How can you be a better supporter to your friends? come join us in the candy colored club (a artist biz membership) where you'll find ways to improve your art biz each month and a community of amazing lady artists to help you along your journey.


episode #4: what i give up to paint

episode #6: my studio assistants

business of art

